Correct Ones

It seems like, many people are annoyed or amused with my Name in this blog. The Name "Black Board" has different meanings than what it means in real life. Actually, this is the part of my name. If my friends have chatted with me in MSN, then they can find the other part of the Black Board in my Nick there. Actually its "Blackboard: Learning System". What does it means, you can easily find if you Google it. The Correct thing is its a learning system, actually a CMS which is used according the user specific type and privilege.

If I am student, then I am not able to edit the contents of this thing, and only I can view those thing, which are made available to me. If I am a lab adviser, then also, I can only see what others have made me enrolled into. But If I am a Teaching Assistant, then the professor with whom I am working, I can have the complete editing facility to the subject of the professor. If I am Professor, then I can edit, remove the contents from my page. Also I can add the extra users to use my page and give him the privilege what I wish.

Actually its a true system used for the virtual blackboard. Professor don't have to write in the real blackboard, and students have to read from the original one. Everything is done virtually, and also it seems to be real for all of us. So, whats the correct thing then. Its a CMS, but I am not sure its open source or not. Uses JSP (which I don't know) for its internal process, and the database can be stored in either oracle or MS SQL. Main thing is that, its not dependent of the browser and its good if we run it in MAC too.

Whenever I have chance, I am going to utilize it using full force.


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