Everybody's Going

Had a party today...a fantastic party..little late but it was cool

It was raining outside, all the surroundings were black as it was around 8 in the evening and our party began. The party began with mushroom soup and then with wine and beer. With that some roast item too. With the syrup of beer, the gafaddis gaff were running on. The gaff were mainly related to course work, then forum and each others GF. I didnot have GF, so I was speechless in that department. Anyway, the topic was changing its direction towards the destination...going somewhere. Bipin had nothing to say to go abroad. Migma was speechless due to his problem in abroad program. It was Nitin's party so he had nothing to say. So it was left to me to answer. I didnot hoped that I had to answer that. I told...yaa I will be going this february to Australia.
But was I telling them correct? Had I been prepared for that?

Today was Nitin's party, fortnight ago, i had been to sumit's party, may be bikas wont give party, but Bhaskar is going to give the party (i hope). Biswas had his flight yesterday, mahesh did go on saturday. And some others people too going this week. So I feel stranded in this hectic world. But, I am tired of this thinking that I have to go abroad. I dont want to go now. But what about my parents, who are seeing my future in abroad. So for them too I have to go abroad. I dont know, when there dream will fulfill. Good Luck to you all.


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