
Showing posts from 2008

A message to me by a friend

A message, might be private, but hands off to her, who remembered so small things till now. I think I have forgot till now all the things, except kalopul kalopul samma ek barsa hideko ani mufali khako sachikai samjhera ani message lekhna baseko... tara ke lekhne ... samaya kati bitisakyo tyai pani asti bharkhar jastai lagcha....palai palo garera bus bhada tireko. ani ek din euta conductor le timro 100 rs liyera bhageko ani arko bus chadera paisa firta leko... hai??? maile sabai samjheko chhu. ani achel ma Kavre gairakna parchha, hamro project area nai ho. tyaha KU jane bato dekhepachi chahi sadhai hami KU fate ma gayeko samjhinchu tyo din pani timle nai 17 rs bhada milako thiyo.... ani, aru ke chha ta USA ko khabar?? mero ta zindagi yestai ho kaam gardai chhu, kaile kata kaile kata travel garnu parcha. ani, banda hadtal bata wakka, khub exercise hunchha kaile kahi ta... ek choti rikshaw chadera banda ma farkindai thiye, jhandai madhesi forum ko manche le rikshaw jalaidiyeko, negotiate ...

I am a Professor (aati bhayo hai)

Had a day, being a student I had to act like a professor. My professor wanted me to sit in a exam as being an Invigilator. I dont know, and even I didnot had idea what to do, I said an affirmative answer to him. Now today, on April 21st 2008, I had to teach students, and then take exams for them. Woow, I was really feeling like I am grown up now. Since this was the first interaction with the students, I knew no one. I might have checked their copies and given them the grade, but I knew no one. So, went in the class, and tried to figure out the students. I could see many of the familiar faces. Woow, that was cool. The students were those with whom I either had already taken the classes with or I am being taking class in this semester. So, it was kind of friendly environment in the class. Also, the coolest thing was, i had nothing to do there while taking exam. i just had to give them the questions and write this blog, as the exam was open book, open chat as well as open Computer. So, n...

Save for School of Care

With my promise, I am still saving for my birthday present to donate something to the mentally discharged children of Nepal. Till now I have saved (121*2=$242) for them. The site for this children is here . Planning to give them the money through my friend when it gets $500. But now i dont have patience to make these money $500. To make my money $500, I still have to wait more 4 months. Actually I am saving this money by reducing the coffee that I drink outside. So, I am saving $2 per day for them. So till now, I have saved some money which I can donate to them. Thanks for such wonderful oportunities.

NAGIOS, hunting me back

Nagios VS OpenNMS Nagios VS use of SNMP But the main obstacle for me is JAVA OOP and SNMP JAVA Nagios is hunting me back, and probably I will hunt it down rather than it hunts me off. WAT ABT JAVA?????????????? Java is taking my sleep, my rest. six weeks and I am all done..hope so

Yahoo Network Failed

If a good secured site can have such failure, how can we, a simple people wont have failure. FAILURE IS THE PILLAR OF SUCCESS.

Fuel Crisis

And with the state of things, even the dead would soon start to feel the effects of this turmoil the valley resident’s are reeling under as the crematory in Pashupati Nath Temple is running out of enough woods to burn dead bodies as the timber corporation which supplies it with wood has not been getting its regular supply due to disruption in vehicular movement in the Terai region. (Source :

Define: Lonely

In my definition, Lonely means 1. Giving Birthday present to yourself, even though there are lot of friends around you. 2. Giving Gift, a valentine Gift, to yourself, even though it is of opposite sex. But I had both for me and my partner, I don't know where my partner resides. 3. When you are looking at sky and trying to hold a hand, but only you can find your hand, not others. 4. Sharing the treasures with yourself, and your special brain disorder functions to yourself. 5. When you fix a destination thinking of someone will meet you up there, but when you reach at the destination, you don't even find the shadow of any people.(May be that time can be night :P ) 6. When everyone talks about the pleasure being in group, and you find no one except this tech gadgets. Then you are lonely

Temperature change

Can you feel the situation, I am facing now?? Tue Jan 29 7am - 27 F 9am - 32 F 12 pm - 39 F 3Pm - 43 F 6 PM - 27 F 9PM - 18 F Wed Jan 30th 12 am - 10F 6 am - -2 F 9 am - 2 F Currently 10:54 am - 2F How to live in this place where there is so much fluctuation of temperature in 24 hr period. I was lucky to experienced these sudden fall in 24hrs, in one of the place there was sudden fall of 30 degree in just 3 hrs. imagine the situation, there was sunshine on 12PM and suddenly there was snow fall in 3PM. God bless those

Miss you in the Morning

It was time to put you on my face, use you to wake up from the dream. Without you it seems like theres no morning. After I Wake up, without seeing you, I cannot do any work. But, what the hell is, I missed you in the morning. Didn't realized you were missing from my bed, but with each of the whisper running around, I was sure, you had run away from me. Tried to fetch you, your sister was seen thoroughly from my window, but you were not in me. Tried to ask someone in my home, where are you lost, but all in vain as no one knew where you are. Tried to make the communication with you, tried to feel you from my lips, but already you were gone. I was used to for getting you lost, back in my country, but here the sudden decision from you to go was unbearable for me. And there was no note or other thing which I could have said that you will be returning. I knew you had to return and you will return, but did not had any idea when you were going to. To meet you, I had asked so many people, b...

A New Year to end the Old one

aah...the new year is here again. We are so lucky to get celebrate minimum of 2 new years in a single year. Thats quite rare but we are very much familiarize with these type of situation. So this was the new year 2008, which I had to celebrate as I am in this kind of society now. About the last day and the first day of previous year and the new year respectively, I planned a lot of things. And really thought of the day being the greatest one after being here in this lonely world. Had a friend with whom I was planning and also he had called another friend, so it was three of us for the party. On the Eve day, it was just the family gathering, and in the night time for some fireworks. Really it was fun, snow falling from sky and the light been bloomed up with sound and light. I was late, but that was all due to the traffic, as it was very much congested in the area. After the eve, new year was there. New year in the snow sound really astonishing, but had to leave from there as it was grow...

A Year in this world

I still remember the day when I was leaving the country. I met you, with bitter taste being is this the last time I am meeting you. I am not sure, these thoughts from me will be true or false, but i tried my best not to make these thoughts true. Thought of you as the good friend, and still I think, but the pleasure what I used to get when I talk with you, is not the same now. May be i had not trusted the friendship given from you, thats why I am not getting good friends like you here in this unknown world. This world in my 1 year point of view is selfish, and blamable. But this is my world and even though this world is being like selfish, I have tried myself not to be changed from the external surrounding. Imagine, a year has passed, and I don't have friends to talk some of the feelings I want to share. Wanted to talk with you for this, but I know this dam world is very busy and i don't want to make yourself be with a headache with my problem. May be when I talk with you, I onl...